Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
12/14/2020 - 6:00 PM  
Business/Action Items  
20.2 Review and Potential Approval of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District's First Interim Budget Report for the 2020-2021 School Year  
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
First Interim Presentation
First Interim- CCSESA Common Message
First Interim Report
File Attachment:
First Interim - CCSESA Common Message.pdf
2020-21 First Interim Report.pdf
First Interim 2020-2021 Presentation.pdf
Each year, under the guidelines of California Education Code Section 42100 on or before December 15, the governing board must approve the First Interim Budget in the Standardized Account Code Structure format.

The reports presented are expenditures recorded in the books as of October 31, 2020. This report is the only accurate reflection of actual expenditures for that date. The SACs forms reflect the adopted budget for 2020 – 2021 which was in June 2020, the column that is listed as Board Approved Operating Budget was amended during the presentation of the unaudited actuals in September 2020 and overwrites the June budget.

The June 2020 budget was based upon the guidance of FCMAT and the Contra Costa County Office of Education, and was based upon the Governor’s proposed 10% cut in LCFF revenues. The adopted State budget was different than what was adopted as was presented to the Board at Unaudited Actuals, where the change in LCFF funding and the addition of CARES Act were included to create the Board Approved Operating Budget.

The First Interim Budget Report reflects a qualified budget and continued deficit spending, compounded by the state's fiscal crisis.

The District is able to fully meet its financial obligations for the current (2020-21) and subsequent (2021-22) fiscal year. The determination of budget certification requires that a school district must be able to demonstrate that it can meet financial obligations for the current, and two subsequent school years. Because there is lack of clarity in respect to the out-years of the budget in respect to State Revenue, the District shall maintain a qualified certification due to the second out year (2022-23).

This shall be reviewed with more detail and refined as part of the budget analysis after the Governor releases his proposed 2021 – 2022 budget in January 2021. The District continues to monitor the cash balances, has applied for a TRAN (tax revenue anticipatory note), and is awaiting guidance from how the State will address the increases in revenue that may reduce the deferrals that were previously announced.

Attached to this board item are the First Interim Report, First Interim Presentation, and a reference document for the board entitled "CCSESA Common Message." CCSESA is the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association is the organization that provides guidance to county offices of education who, in turn, support all school districts. CCSESA authored this document to answer questions that districts and school boards might have.
Not applicable  
Fiscal Impact:
Move to approve the Mt. Diablo Unified School District's First Interim Budget Report for the 2020-2021 school year.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Cindy Rodriguez - Admin Secretary II
Signed By:  
Mika Arbelbide - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:  
Dr. Lisa Gonzales - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:  
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent