Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/14/2020 - 6:00 PM
Category: Consent Agenda
Type: Action
Subject: 17.4 Review and Potential Ratification of Application for the Early Literacy Block Support Grant for Bel Air Elementary
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Goal 1:
All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with equitable and high expectations, access to technology, and instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career.
File Attachment:
Summary: Review and Potential Ratification of Application for the Early Literacy Block Support Grant for Bel Air Elementary. The ELSB Grant Program supports eligible schools with the highest percentage of students in grade three scoring at the lowest achievement standard level on the State Summative English Language Arts (ELA) assessment. Bel Air Elementary will receive an initial $50,000 to develop and implement a needs assessment and root cause analysis to inform the development of a required three-year Literacy Action Plan (Plan). The Plan will address the following areas; Access to High-Quality Literacy Teaching, Support for Literacy learning, Pupil Supports or Family and Community Support. Once the CDE approves the Plan, it will disseminate the first year of funding to LEAs to implement planned activities. The second and third years of funding will be determined and disbursed upon the review and acceptance of all annual and quarterly reporting requirements in subsequent years.

Grant funds may be used only to fund supplemental activities and shall not supplant already existing activities being provided by the LEA or at the eligible schools. The activities shall be targeted for improvement strategies for pupils in kindergarten and grades one to three, inclusive, at eligible schools. The timeline for the ELSB grant is December 2020- June 2023.
Funding: California Department of Education Early Literacy Block Support Grant
Fiscal Impact $50,000 grant annually December 2020-June 2023
Recommendation: Review and Potential Ratification of Application for the Early Literacy Block Support Grant for Bel Air Elementary
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Stephanie Roberts - Director of Development
Signed By:
Marji Calbeck - Director of Elementary
Signed By:
Dawn Edwards - Assistant Director, Instructional Support
Signed By:
Elizabeth McClanahan - Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Signed By:
Mika Arbelbide - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Jennifer Sachs - Chief, Educational Services
Signed By:
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent