Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/25/2015 - 5:00 PM
Category: Business/Action Items
Type: Action
Subject: 10.2 Adoption of the 2015-2016 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
College and Career California State Standards (CCSS) Goal 1.1-1.5, 1.17, 1.22-1.23
California State Standards (CCSS) Goal 1.1-1.5, 1.17, 1.22-1.23
Professional Learning Professional Development, Coaching and Support Goal 1.1, 1.3-1.5, 1.11
Professional Development, Coaching and Support Goal 1.1, 1.3-1.5, 1.11
Professional Learning Professional Development Focused on Special Populations Goal 2.7-2.10
Professional Development Focused on Special Populations Goal 2.7-2.10
Parent/Family & Community Engagement Outreach to Special Populations Goal 3.6-3.8
Outreach to Special Populations Goal 3.6-3.8
Strategic Initiative 5.1 Optimal Operations and Infrastructure
Place priority on educational needs and programs when making fiscal decisions.
File Attachment:
Draft MDUSD LCAP 25June15.pdf
Summary: All California school districts are required to develop a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). This plan identifies district strategies to support learning and is organized from the Eight State Priorities clustered into three categories.

Mt. Diablo Unified School District’s LCAP focuses on the areas identified through our stakeholder engagement process and district planning efforts. Our LCAP Goals and Identified Needs, grounded in research-based programs and practices, are aligned with our District Strategic Plan. These goals address student achievement, college and career readiness, state standards alignment, interventions for underserved students, enrichment opportunities, family and community engagement, and how a responsive system supports schools and students through operations and infrastructure.

Funding: All required Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Funds and additional funds as necessary to support all actions within the LCAP.
Funding: All required Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Funds and additional funds as necessary to support all actions within the Local Control Accountability Plan.
Fiscal Impact Total funds represented in the Local Control Accountability Plan.
Recommendation: Adopt the 2015-2016 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Lorie O'Brien - Administrator, Compliance and Training
Signed By:
Jonathan Eagan - Assistant Superintendent Middle Schools
Signed By:
Nance Juner - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:

New Motion
Member Linda Mayo Moved, Member Barbara Oaks seconded to approve the New motion 'Adopt the 2015-2016 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 4 - 0
Linda Mayo     Yes
Cheryl Hansen     Yes
Barbara Oaks     Yes
Debra Mason     Yes