Meeting Date:
2/29/2016 - 6:30 PM
Business/Action Items
5.1 Information Exchange between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and the Clayton City Council
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
Members of the Clayton City Council, members of the Mt. Diablo Board of Education, and the Superintendent and will provide each other updates on items of mutual interest and discuss current partnerships and other areas of cooperation. Discussion items may include: (a) Report on the success of an inter-agency storm water runoff containment project performed on MDUSD school property and on City property adjacent to the asphalt public trail rimming Mt. Diablo Elementary School. (Clayton City Council) (b) Discuss opportunities for improved protocols for area neighborhood notification when outdoor school and/or Parent Faculty Club events on school campuses occur during non-traditional school hours. (Clayton City Council) (c) Discuss vehicle traffic during drop-off and pick-up hours near Mt. Diablo Elementary School. (Clayton City Council) (d) Report/update from MDUSD regarding the inaugural year of its after school intramural sports programs at Diablo View Middle School. (MDUSD Board) (e) Share information/feedback regarding the Clayton Valley Charter High School relationship. (Clayton City Council) (f) Discuss the need for a performing arts studio in the Clayton Valley area. (Clayton City Council) No formal action will be taken.
Fiscal Impact
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Debbie Maher - Sr. Administrative Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent