Public Agenda
TYPE: Regular Board Meeting (AB)
DATE: 9/14/2020 TIME: 6:00 PM
Closed Session will begin at 5:00PM. Open Session will begin at 6:00PM. MDUSD encourages public participation by way of public comments. Public comments received on 9/14/2020 by voicemail at (925) 308-6437 will be entered into the public record when played back during the meeting. The Governing Board may limit the length time allotted to public comments for meeting efficiency. Public comments received on 09/14/2020 by email at are automatically distributed to each board member, and will be entered into the public record, which is made available for live monitoring at the link below, and will be published subsequently along with minutes. Public comment email compilation: Minutes will be published to Notice of Revisions to Agenda: 9/11/2020 at 4:34PM - Item 18.1 - Staff added an additional attachment 9/11/2020 at 4:34PM - Item 18.2 - Staff added an additional potential member 9/14/2020 at 12:33PM - Item 15.13 - Staff revised the attachment
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Conduct Roll Call Info
2.0 Public Comment
2.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board concerning items that are scheduled for discussion during Closed Session only. These presentations are limited to three minutes each, or a total of thirty minutes for all speakers or the three minute limit may be shortened. Speakers are not allowed to yield their time Info
3.0 Closed Session Agenda
3.1 Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction to its representatives regarding represented employees, pursuant to EERA (Govt. Code Section 3549.1) Agency negotiators: Dr. Adam Clark, Dr. John Rubio, Dr. Lisa Gonzales, Dr. Wendi Aghily, Cesar Alvarado, and Mike Berg; Agencies: MDEA, DMA, MDSPA, CSEA, CST Local 1 and Teamsters Local 856 Info
3.2 Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 54957(b)(1)) - One Case Info/Action
3.3 Public Employee Performance Evaluation - (Govt. Code Section 54957) - Superintendent Info
3.4 Readmission of Student #04-20 to regular schools in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Info/Action
3.5 Admission of Student #A-21 to the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Info/Action
3.6 Confidential Student Matters Pursuant to Ed. Code 35145.5 - One Case Action
4.0 Adjourn to Closed Session
4.1 Adjourn to Closed Session Info
5.0 Reconvene Open Session
5.1 Reconvene Open Session Info
6.0 Preliminary Business
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call Info
7.0 Report Out Action Taken in Closed Session
7.1 Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction to its representatives regarding represented employees, pursuant to EERA (Govt. Code Section 3549.1) Agency negotiators: Dr. Adam Clark, Dr. John Rubio, Dr. Lisa Gonzales, Dr. Wendi Aghily, Cesar Alvarado, and Mike Berg; Agencies: MDEA, DMA, MDSPA, CSEA, CST Local 1 and Teamsters Local 856 Info
7.2 Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 54957(b)(1)) - One Case Info/Action
7.3 Public Employee Performance Evaluation - (Govt. Code Section 54957) - Superintendent Info
7.4 Readmission of Student #04-20 to Regular Schools in the Mt., Diablo Unified School District Info/Action
7.5 Admission of Student #A-21 to Regular Schools in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Info/Action
7.6 Confidential Student Matters Pursuant to Ed. Code 35145.5 - One Case Action
8.0 Public Comment
8.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board regarding any item within the jurisdiction of the Board of Education of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District that is not on this agenda. These presentations are limited to three minutes each, or a total of thirty minutes for all speakers, or the three minute limit may be shortened. If there are multiple speakers on any one subject, the public comment period may be moved to the end of the meeting. Speakers are not allowed to yield their time. Info
9.0 Communications
9.1 District Organizations: At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of each recognized District organization may make a brief presentation. Items are limited to those which are informational. Info
10.0 Recognitions and Resolutions
10.1 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 20/21-11 Proclaiming September 9 - October 14 as Hispanic Heritage Month Action
10.2 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 20/21-16 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month - September 2020 Action
11.0 Public Employee Appointment
11.1 Review and Potential Approval of Personnel Appointment: Principal, Valhalla Elementary School Action
11.2 Review and Potential Approval of Personnel Appointment: Principal, Horizons Schools Action
12.0 Reports/Information
12.1 Public Hearing: Review and Consider Renewal Petition for Rocketship Futuro Academy Charter School Info/Action
13.0 Board Member Reports
13.1 Board Member Reports Info
14.0 Superintendent's Report
14.1 Superintendent's Report Info
15.0 Consent Agenda
15.1 Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be approved/adopted by a single motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items; however, any item may be removed from the consent agenda upon the request of any member of the Board and acted upon separately. Action
15.2 Review and Potential Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District Fortune School of Education, District Intern Credential Program Action
15.3 Review and Potential Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Brandman University Internship Credential. Action
15.4 Review and Potential Approval of the Interagency Agreement for Provisions of Services between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and San Francisco State University (SFSU) for three years 2020-2021 to 2023. Info/Action
15.5 Review and Potential Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Sub-Recipient Agreement by and between Rubicon Programs and Mt. Diablo Adult Education (MDAE) for the term of July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Action
15.6 Review and Potential Approval of Purchase of Sonday System 1 and 2 Intervention Sets - Upgrade to E Version Action
15.7 Review and Potential Approval of Master Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and The Help Group North Hills for the 2020-21 School Year Action
15.8 Review and Potential Approval of Master Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Star Academy for the 2020-21 School Year Action
15.9 Review and Potential Approval of Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Tilden Preparatory School for the 2020-21 School Year Action
15.10 Review and Potential Approval of Annual Renewal Contract with PowerSchool Group LLC, of Support and Subscription for Business Plus. Action
15.11 Review and Potential Ratification #2 of Award for Summer Projects Action
15.12 Review and Potential Approval of Design Service to PHd Architects, Inc. for Architectural and Engineering Services for the Installation of a modular restroom building for the Glenbrook Middle School campus. Action
15.13 Review and Potential Approval of Recommended Action for Classified Personnel Action
15.14 Review and Potential Approval of the Request to Increase and Decrease Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of Classified Personnel Action
15.15 Review and Potential Approval of the Recommended Action for Certificated Personnel Action
15.16 Review and Potential Approval of the Request to Increase and Decrease Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of Certificated Personnel for the 2020-2021 School Year Action
15.17 Review and Potential Approval of Master Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and Anova Center for Education Concord for the 2020-21 School Year Action
15.18 Review and Potential Approval of the Request for Adoption of the Certificate of Signatures for the time period of July 2020 to December 2020. Action
15.19 Review and Potential Approval of Work-site Agreements for Student Internships Action
15.20 Review and Potential Approval of 2020-2021 Pending Computer/Technology Purchases Requisitions From August 18, 2020 through September 5, 2020 Action
15.21 Review and Potential Approval of Master Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Gateway Learning Group for the 2020-21 School Year Action
15.22 Review and Potential Approval of the 2020-2021 School Year Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and BMR Health Services for Speech and Language Pathologist Service Action
15.23 Review and Potential Ratification of Mt. Diablo Adult Education (MDAE) Interagency Agreement with Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD) of Contra Costa County Action
15.24 Review and Potential Approval of the 2020-2021 School Year Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) and Stepping Stones for Speech and Language Pathologist Services Action
15.25 Review and Potential Approval of Final Change Order for Bid #1869/C1869 with McGuire and Hester, for the Parking Lot Expansion at Glenbrook Middle School Action
15.26 Review and Potential Approval of the Issuance of the Notice of Completion for Bid 1869/C1869, Parking Lot Expansion at Glenbrook Middle School Action
15.27 Review and Potential Approval of Final Change Order for Bid #1864 with Athens Painting and Commercial Coatings, Inc., for the Painting Summer 2020 Package 1 at Shadelands Preschool, Sunrise Elementary School, Monte Gardens Elementary School and Sun Terrace Elementary School Action
15.28 Review and Potential Approval of the Issuance of the Notice of Completion for Bid 1864/C1864, Painting Summer 2020 Package 1 at Shadelands Preschool, Sunrise Elementary School, Monte Gardens Elementary School, and Sun Terrace Elementary School Action
15.29 Review and Potential Approval of Final Change Order for Bid #1865 with Athens Painting and Commercial Coatings, Inc., for the Painting Summer 2020 Package 2 at Mt. Diablo Elementary School, Pine Hollow Middle School and Fair Oaks Elementary School Action
15.30 Review and Potential Approval of the Issuance of the Notice of Completion for Bid 1865/C1865, Painting Summer 2020 Package 2 at Mt. Diablo Elementary School, Pine Hollow Middle School, and Fair Oaks Elementary School Action
15.31 Review and Potential Approval of Final Change Order for Bid #1866 with Athens Painting and Commercial Coatings, Inc., for the Painting Summer 2020 Package 3 at Bancroft Elementary School, Gregory Gardens Elementary School and Valley View Middle School Action
15.32 Review and Potential Approval of the Issuance of the Notice of Completion for Bid 1866/C1866, Painting Summer 2020 Package 3 at Bancroft Elementary School, Gregory Gardens Elementary School, and Valley View Middle School Action
15.33 Review and Potential Approval of Proposal for Labor and Materials to install Window Coverings at Mt. Diablo High School from ABC School Equipment, Inc. Action
15.34 Review and Potential Approval of the Student Teaching Affiliation Agreement between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Grand Canyon University Action
15.35 Review and Potential Approval of the Fiscal Transactions for the month of August Action
15.36 Review and Potential Approval of the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Action
15.37 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 20/21-13 for the Adoption of a Risk Management Program Info/Action
15.38 Review and Potential Approval of Master Contract with Weingarten Children's Center for the 2020-21 School Year Action
16.0 Consent Items Pulled for Discussion
17.0 Consent Items Pulled by Staff
18.0 Business/Action Items
18.1 Review and Potential Approval of Adoption of the District's 2019-20 Appropriations Limit Calculation (Gann Limit) Resolution 20/21-14 Action
18.2 Review and Potential Approval of Nomination of Two New Members and Two Renewal Membership to the Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) Action
18.3 Review and Potential Award of Bid #1871 Paving at Maintenance and Operations Complex Action
18.4 Resolution 20/21-15: Reducing or Discontinuing the Number of Classified Employees base on a Reduction or Discontinuance of a Particular Kind of Service (PKS) for the 2020-21 School Year. Action
18.5 Review and Potential Approval of the Revision of Board Policy 5116.1 (Intradistrict Open Enrollment) Info
18.6 Review of the Revision of AR 5116.1 (Intradistrict Open Enrollment) Info
19.0 Closed Session (Carry Over)
19.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this Closed Session Info
20.0 Reconvene Open Session
20.1 Report Out Action Taken During Closed Session Info
21.0 Future Agenda Items
21.1 Future Agenda Items Info
22.0 Adjournment
22.1 Adjourn Meeting Info