Review Agenda Item
1.1 Call to Order at 6:00 p.m.
1.2 Preliminary Business
2.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board concerning items that are schedu
3.1 (Item #1) Superintendent's Evaluation
3.2 (Item #2) Conference with Negotiator(s) Pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54957.6;
3.3 (Item #3) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov'
3.4 (Item #4) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of s
3.5 Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 54957(b)(1))
4.1 Adjourn to Closed Session at 6:00 p.m.
5.1 Reconvene Open Session at 7:00 p.m.
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
7.1 (Item #1) Superintendent's Evaluation
7.2 (Item #2) Conference with Negotiator(s) Pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54957.6;
7.3 (Item #3) Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Gov'
7.4 (Item #4) Existing Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel (Paragraph (1) of s
7.5 (Item #5) Discipline, Dismissal or Release of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec. 549
8.1 Public Comment: The public may address the Board regarding any item within the ju
9.1 Recognition of the MDUSD 2016-2017 Teacher of the Year Nominees and Finalists.
9.2 Recognition of Regional 2017 CUE (Computer Using Educators) Educators of the Year
10.1 Board Member Reports
11.1 Superintendent's Report
12.1 (Item #1) Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be a
12.2 (Item #2) Foothill Middle School's Jazz Band Trip to Monterey, CA, April 1-Apri
12.3 (Item #3) Concord High School's Independent Service Contract Amendment #1 with E
12.4 (Item #4) Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District Valhalla Elementar
12.5 (Item #5) Contract Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District-Silverwood Element
12.6 (Item #6) Independent Service Contract with Lindamood Bell Learning Processes
12.7 (Item #7) Increase in the Contract Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (M
12.8 (Item #8) Increase to the Contract Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District (M
12.9 (Item #9) Contra Costa County Family and Children's Trust (FACT) Grant to Suppor
12.10 (Item #10) Fiscal Transactions for the Month of February, 2017
12.11 (Item #12) Adjustments to Position Control for the 2017-18 School Year
12.12 (Item #13) Recommended Action for Certificated Personnel
12.13 (Item #14) Certificated Personnel: Request to Increase and Decrease Full Time
12.14 (Item #15) Recommended Action for Classified Personnel
12.15 (Item #16) Award of Purchase Order to Irwin Seating Company for Bleacher System
12.16 (Item #17) Notice of Completion for Bid 1749/C-941 Locker Replacement at Northg
12.17 (Item #18) Notice of Completion for CUPCCAA 106075 Electrical and Low Voltage S
13.1 (Item #11) Fiscal Transactions for Lakeshore Learning for the Month of February,
15.1 District Organizations: At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of each
16.1 Second Interim Report 2016-17
16.2 Concord High School's Tiny House Sale
16.3 Mt. Diablo Unified School District's Memorandum of Understanding with Educationa
16.4 Award Contract for Levy and Bond Administration of the Mt. Diablo Unified School
16.5 Adoption of Elementary English Language Arts/Spanish Language Arts/English Langu
16.6 Revision of Board Policy 3540: Transportation
16.7 Meeting Extension
16.8 Execution of Documents
17.1 Future Agenda Items
18.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this
19.1 Reconvene Open Session and Report Out Action Taken in Closed Session
20.1 Adjourn Meeting
Meeting Date:
3/13/2017 - 7:00 PM
Consent Agenda
12.5 (Item #5) Contract Between Mt. Diablo Unified School District-Silverwood Elementary and Regents of California Lawrence Hall of Science
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal
College and Career California State Standards (CCSS) Goal 1.1-1.5, 1.17, 1.22-1.23
California State Standards (CCSS) Goal 1.1-1.5, 1.17, 1.22-1.23
File Attachment:
Lawrence Hall of Science will be providing two science shows on April 13, 2017 at Silverwood Elementary.
3935 - Parent Club Donations
Fiscal Impact
Approve the contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District-Silverwood Elementary and Regents of California Lawrence Hall of Science.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Laura Juranek - Senior Administrative Assistant
Signed By:
Jose Espinoza - Assistant Superintendent Elementary Schools
Signed By:
Nance Juner - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Deborah Cooksey - Associate General Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion
Cheryl Hansen
Moved, Member
Joanne Durkee
seconded to approve the
motion 'Approve the contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District-Silverwood Elementary and Regents of California Lawrence Hall of Science.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye:
The motion
5 - 0
Linda Mayo
Joanne Durkee
Cheryl Hansen
Brian Lawrence
Debra Mason
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