Review Agenda Item
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Conduct Roll Call
2.1 Public Comments: The Public May Address the Board Concerning Items That are Sche
3.1 Negotiations - The Board May Discuss Negotiations or Provide Direction to its Rep
3.2 Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Government Cod
3.3 Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation
3.4 Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation
4.1 Adjourn to Closed Session
5.1 Reconvene Open Session
6.1 Land Acknowledgement: We recognize that the Mt Diablo Unified School District sit
6.2 Pledge of Allegiance
6.3 Review and Potential Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting Held January 8
6.4 Review and Potential Approval of the Agenda
7.1 Negotiations - The Board May Discuss Negotiations or Provide Direction to its Rep
7.2 Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Government Cod
7.3 Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation
7.4 Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation
8.1 (Original 12.3) Sequoia Elementary School Playground Improvements Projects Presen
8.2 (Original 8.1) Public Comment: The Public May Address the Board Regarding any Ite
9.1 District Organizations: At Regular Board Meetings, a Single Spokesperson of Each
10.1 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 24/25-43 In Recognition of National
10.2 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 24/25-44 in Recognition of February
10.3 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 24/25-45 Recognizing February as Car
10.4 Review and Potential Approval of Board Resolution 24/25-46 for Local Assignment
10.5 Review and Potential Approval of Board Resolution 24/25-47 for Local Assignment
11.1 Review and Potential Approval of Classified Personnel Appointment: Food & Nutrit
12.1 Review and Acceptance of Mt. Diablo Unified School District Independent Audit Re
12.2 Budget Update
13.1 Board Member Reports
14.1 Superintendent's Report
15.1 Approval of Items listed under Consent Agenda.
15.2 Review and Potential Approval of the Recommended Action for Certificated Personn
15.3 Review and Potential Approval of the Recommended Action for Classified Personnel
15.4 Review and Potential Approval of Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo
15.5 Review and Potential Approval of the 2025 Administrators Summer School One Time
15.6 Review and Potential Approval of a Purchase from Palmer Hamilton Design for Cafe
15.7 Review and Potential Approval of an Increase in the Purchase Order for Fiery Gin
15.8 Review and Potential Approval of an Increase in the Contract for Tasty Indian Pi
15.9 Review and Potential Approval to Increase the Purchase Order with Bel Air Mechan
15.10 Review and Potential Approval to Increase the Purchase Order with Bay City Mech
15.11 Review and Potential Approval of Elementary School Playground Rubber Surface Re
15.12 Review & Potential Approval of Maintenance, Operations & Facilities; and Inform
15.13 Review and Potential Ratification of Contracts and Amendments to Contracts Unde
15.14 Review and Potential Approval of Out of State Travel for One Special Education
15.15 Review and Potential Approval of Amendment to the Contract between Mt. Diablo U
15.16 Review and Potential Approval to Increase the Independent Service Contract with
15.17 Review and Potential Approval to Increase the Independent Service Contract Betw
15.18 Review and Potential Approval of Renewal for AERIES Student Information System
15.19 Review and Potential Approval of the Proposal from Faber Communications to Repa
16.1 (Original 15.4) Review and Potential Approval of the Hokali Middle School Sports
16.2 (Original 15.5) Review and Potential Approval of the Contract with Discovery Edu
18.1 Review and Potential Acknowledgement of an Additional Successor Agreement Propos
18.2 Review and Potential Approval of the School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA)
18.3 Review and Potential Approval of Rescinding Changes to Board Policy and Administ
18.4 Review and Potential Approval of Updates to Board Policy (BP) and Administrative
20.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this
21.1 Report Out Action Taken During Closed Session
22.1 Requests May Be Presented for Consideration at a Future Board Meeting
23.1 Adjourn Meeting
Meeting Date:
1/22/2025 - 6:00 PM
Consent Agenda
15.4 Review and Potential Approval of Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Walker Creek Ranch for the Outdoor Education Program for Westwood Elementary School.
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal
Goal 1:
All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with high expectations and rigorous instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career.
File Attachment:
Westwood_Walker Creek_Contract.pdf
Walker Creek Ranch provides students with a quality science education, strengthens bonds with their peers and increases their environmental awareness. The program allows each group time to connect with the land, each other and science. Staff are well-versed in social emotional learning and NGSS offering creative lessons that are centered around the land. Westwood Elementary students will attend March 3-6, 2025. Students will travel with chaperones by bus.
Through parent and community donations. All funding goes through the site's 4343 account.
Fiscal Impact
Move to approve the Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Walker Creek Ranch for the Outdoor Education Program for Westwood Elementary School.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Kimber Trombley - Administrative Secretary II
Signed By:
Erin DeMartini - Director, Elementary
Signed By:
Samantha Allen - Chief, Educational Services
Signed By:
Adrian Vargas - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Elizabeth McClanahan - Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Signed By:
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion
Cherise Khaund
Moved, Member
Thomas McDougall
seconded to approve the
motion 'Move to approve the Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diablo Unified School District and Walker Creek Ranch for the Outdoor Education Program for Westwood Elementary School.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye:
The motion
5 - 0
Linda Mayo
Debra Mason
Cherise Khaund
Keisha Nzewi
Thomas McDougall
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