Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/12/2025 - 6:00 PM
Category: Business/Action Items
Type: Action
Subject: 16.2 Review and Potential Approval of Changes to Board Policies and Administrative Regulations per California School Board Association (CSBA) Recommendations - June 2024 Quarterly Update
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Goal 3:
Parents, family, and community will be informed, engaged and empowered as partners with Mt. Diablo Unified to support student learning and achievement.
Enclosure BP 0420.41 Charter School Oversite - Approved 9/25/2024 E(1) 0420.41 Charter School Oversite - Approved 9/25/2024 BP 1113 District and School Websites - Approved 9/25/2024 AR 1113 District and School Websites - Approved 9/25/2024 E(1) 1113 District and School Websites BP 1260 Educational Foundation - Approved 9/25/2024 BP 2121 Superintendent's Contract - Approved 9/25/2024 BP 4112.9 Employee Notifications - no changes BP 4212.9 Employee Notifications - no changes BP 4312.9 Employee Notifications - no changes E(1) 4112.9 Employee Notifications - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4121 Temporary/Substitute Personnel - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4121 Temporary/Substitute Personnel - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4127 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4227 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4227 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4327 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4161 Leaves- Review 2/26/2025 AR 4161 Leaves - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4261 Leaves - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4261 Leaves - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4361 Leaves- Review 2/26/2025 AR 4361 Leaves - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4161.1 Personal Illness/Injury Leave - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4261.1 Personal Illness/Injury Leave - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4361.1 Personal Illness/Injury Leave - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4161.2 Personal Illness/Injury Leave - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4261.2 Personal Illness/Injury Leave - Review 2/26/2025 AR 4361.2 Personal Illness/Injury Leave - Review 2/26/2025 BP 4218.1 Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action (Merit System) BP 5113 Absences and Excuses - Approved 10/16/2024 AR 5113 Absences and Excuses - Approved 10/16/2024 BP 5145.6 Parent/Guardian Notifications - Approved 10/16/2024 E (1) 5145.6 Parent/Guardian Notifications - Approved 10/16/2024 BP 6000 Concepts and Rolls - Approved 10/16/2024 BP 6164.2 Guidance/Counseling Services - Approved 10/16/2024 BP 6177 Summer Learning Programs - Approved 10/16/2024 BP 7214 General Obligation Bonds - Approved 2/26/2025 AR 7214 General Obligation Bonds -Approved 2/26/2025 BB 9220 Governing Board Elections - Approved 10/16/2024 E(1) 9220 Governing Board Elections - Approved 10/16/2024 BB 9223 Filing Vacancies - Approved 10/16/2024
File Attachment:
Draft E 4112.9-E(1) Employee Notifications r 2.24.25.pdf
Draft BP 4121 TemporarySubstitute Personnel.pdf
Draft BP 4127 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches.pdf
Draft BP 4227 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches.pdf
Draft BP 4327 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches.pdf
Draft BP 4161 Leaves.pdf
Draft BP 4261 Leaves.pdf
Draft BP 4361 Leaves.pdf
Draft AR 4121 TemporarySubstitute Personnel.pdf
Draft AR 4127 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches.pdf
Draft AR 4227 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches.pdf
Draft AR 4161 Leaves.pdf
Draft AR 4161.1 Personal IllnessInjury Leave r2.24.25.pdf
Draft AR 4261 Leaves.pdf
Draft AR 4361 Leaves.pdf
Draft AR 4261.1 Personal IllnessInjury Leave.pdf
Draft AR 4361.1 Personal IllnessInjury Leave.pdf
Draft AR 4161.2 Personal Leaves.pdf
Draft AR 4261.2 Personal Leaves.pdf
Draft AR 4361.2 Personal Leaves.pdf
Summary: CSBA provides school districts with a quarterly list of potential updates to review Board Policies (BP), Administrative Regulations (AR), Board Bylaws (BB) and Exhibits (E) for revision in order to adapt to state or federal code changes. Revisions for BP 4121, 4127, 4227, 4327, 4161 4261 and 4361, and AR 4121, 4127, 4227, 4161, 4261, 4361, 4161.1, 4261.1, 4361.1, 4161.2, 4261.2, and 4361.2 and E 4112.9 have been made and were brought for review at the February 26, 2025 meeting. These are now being brought back for approval. Work continues on the remaining policies.
Fiscal Impact
Recommendation: Move to approve the revisions for BP 4121, 4127, 4227, 4327, 4161 4261 and 4361, and AR 4121, 4127, 4227, 4161, 4261, 4361, 4161.1, 4261.1, 4361.1, 4161.2, 4261.2, and 4361.2 and E 4112.9 as presented.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Laura Juranek - Senior Administrative Assistant
Signed By:
Adrian Vargas - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Susanne Starecki Kim - General Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent