Meeting Date:
3/12/2025 - 6:00 PM
Consent Agenda
13.11 Review and Potential Approval of the Release of Temporary Certificated Employees
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Goal 2: Highly qualified, culturally proficient, and responsive staff will create learning environment respectful of all students' backgrounds ensuring they are college and career ready when they graduate.
File Attachment:
In accordance with Education Code 44954, the District requests that all certificated employees on temporary contracts for the 2024-2025 school year be released at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Education Code 44954 states: Governing boards of school districts may release temporary employees requiring certification qualifications under the following circumstances: (a) At the pleasure of the board prior to serving during one school year at least 75 percent of the number of days the regular schools of the district maintained. (b) After serving during one school year the number of days set forth in subdivision (a), if the employee is notified before the end of the school year of the District's decision not to reelect the employee for the next succeeding year. This action is taken annually in an effort to provide the District with maximum flexibility in staffing for the next succeeding year. There are 13 MDEA temporary positions throughout the District that will receive a release notice.
No Fiscal Impact.
Fiscal Impact
No Fiscal Impact.
Move to approve the release of temporary certificated employees.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Emily Lopez-Frizzell - Human Resources Coordinator
Signed By:
Ryan Sheehy - Interim Chief, Human Resources
Signed By:
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent