Review Agenda Item
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Conduct Roll Call
2.1 Public Comments: The public may address the Board concerning items that are sche
3.1 Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction to its rep
3.2 Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec.
4.1 Adjourn to Closed Session
5.1 Reconvene Open Session
6.1 Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
6.2 Review and Potential Approval of the Agenda
7.1 Negotiations - The Board may discuss negotiations or provide direction to its rep
7.2 Discipline, Dismissal, Release or Reassignment of Public Employee (Gov. Code Sec.
8.1 Public Comment: The Public May Address the Board Regarding any Item Not on the Ag
9.1 District Organizations: At regular Board meetings, a single spokesperson of each
10.1 Review and Potential Approval of the Mediated Agreement Between the Mt. Diablo E
10.2 Review and Potential Approval of the Updated Salary Schedule for the Mt. Diablo
10.3 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 21/22 (63), Adopting Recommendation
10.4 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 21/22 (66) In Recognition of Earth D
10.5 Review and Potential Approval of Resolution 21/22 (67) in Recognition of Arab Am
11.1 Review and Potential Approval of Personnel Appointment: Administrator, Special
12.1 Review of Course of Study for Career Pathways Courses of Study - Pilot Couse of
12.2 Maintenance, Operation & Facilities Department Staffing Reorganization Presentat
13.1 Board Member Reports
14.1 Review and potential approval of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Materi
14.2 Review and Potential Approval of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Materi
14.3 Review and potential approval of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Materi
14.4 Superintendent's Report
16.1 Approval of Items listed under Consent Agenda.
16.2 Review and Potential Approval of the Recommended Action for Classified Personnel
16.3 Review and Potential Approval of the Recommended Action for Certificated Personn
16.4 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to the Contract Between Mt. Diablo Uni
16.5 Review and Potential Approval of Independent Service Contract between Mt. Diabl
16.6 Review and Potential Approval of the Fiscal Transaction for the month of March 2
16.7 Review and Potential Approval of Budget Revisions for February 2022
16.8 Review and Potential Approval Purchase Order Summary Report for March, 2022
16.9 Review and Potential Approval of Service Agreement between Valant Medical Soluti
16.10 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Independent Service Contract with
16.11 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Master Contract with Kyo Autism Th
16.12 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Independent Service Contract with
16.13 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Master Contract with Star Academy
16.14 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Independent Service Contract with
16.15 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Independent Service Contract with
16.16 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Master Contract with ACES 2020 for
16.17 2021-2022 School Year Contract Increase between Mt. Diablo Unified School Distr
16.18 Review and Potential Approval of the 2021-2022 School Year Contract Increase be
16.19 Review and Potential Approval to Purchase Materials from The Garland Company, I
16.20 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Purchase Order #220155 with Brigh
16.21 Review and Potential Approval of Shore Acres' Purchase Request with DecoTech fo
19.1 Review of A-G Completion Improvement Grant (A-G CIG)
19.2 Review and Potential Approval of Appointments of Summer School Administrators
19.3 Review and Potential Approval to Revision to the Temporary Increase Clerical Sub
19.4 Review and Potential Approval of the Revised Job Description for the Work Based
20.1 Items Not Completed During the First Closed Session will be Carried Over to this
21.1 Report Out Action Taken During Closed Session
22.1 Future Agenda Items
23.1 Adjourn Meeting
Meeting Date:
4/13/2022 - 6:00 PM
Special Education and Student Services
16.15 Review and Potential Approval of Increase to Independent Service Contract with Hope Academy for Dyslexics for the 2021/22 School Year
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal
Goal 1:
All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with equitable and high expectations, access to technology, and instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career.
File Attachment:
21-22 Hope Academy ISC (1).pdf
Hope Academy Insurance (New).pdf
21-22 Hope Academy - Amendment 1.pdf
Hope Academy for Dyslexics is a school program in Concord, CA, that serves students K-8 who exhibit language based learning differences and require a small highly specialized program to be successful. Requested funds are to cover two additional student placements for the 2021-2022 School Year.
General Purpose/Special Education
Program Code 16660 Non-Certified Placements
Fiscal Impact
The increase of $70,000.00 brings the total to $257,525.00. This is a budgeted expense in the 2021/22 budget.
Move to approve increase to independent service contract with Hope Academy for Dyslexics for the 2021/22 school year as presented.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Bryan Cassin - Special Education Administrator
Signed By:
Wendi Aghily - Chief, Pupil Services and Special Education
Signed By:
Elizabeth McClanahan - Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Signed By:
Mika Arbelbide - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Cesar Alvarado - General Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion
Keisha Nzewi
Moved, Member
Cherise Khaund
seconded to approve the
motion 'Move to approve increase to independent service contract with Hope Academy for Dyslexics for the 2021/22 school year as presented.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye:
The motion
5 - 0
Linda Mayo
Debra Mason
Cherise Khaund
Keisha Nzewi
Erin McFerrin
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