Meeting Date:
19.2 Hold a Public Hearing on Developer Fee Justification Study Report and Adopt Resolution 19/20-54, Approving and Adopting Report and Increasing the Statutory Fees ("Level I Developer Fees") on Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development |
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Goal 1: All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with equitable and high expectations, access to technology, and instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career. Goal 2: High quality, culturally proficient, and responsive staff will provide engaging instruction respectful of all students' backgrounds to ensure they are college and career ready. Goal 3: Parents, family, and community will be informed, engaged and empowered as partners with Mt. Diablo Unified to support student learning and achievement.
Resolution 19/20-54 Development School Fee Justification Study |
File Attachment:
In even numbered years, the State authorizes increases in the maximum Statutory School Facility Fees (“Level 1 Fees”) that may be levied by a school district on new residential and commercial/industrial development. The Level 1 Fees below were adopted by the Board on April 23, 2018. CURRENT LEVEL 1 FEES ON NEW DEVELOPMENT PER SQUARE FOOT Residential $3.79 Commercial/Industrial $0.61 Cooperative Strategies, LLC has prepared an updated Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development School Fee Justification Study (“Study”) to determine if the School District is eligible to increase its Level 1 Fees to the new maximum rates approved by the State Allocation Board in January 2020. The Study documents the School District’s ability to increase its Level 1 Fees to the amounts listed below in accordance with Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code Section 65995. PROPOSED FEE ON NEW DEVELOPMENT PER SQUARE FOOT Residential $4.08 Commercial/Industrial $0.66 Commercial/Industrial Hotel/Motel $0.524 Commercial/Industrial Self-Storage $0.030 |
Fiscal Impact: |
Will result in higher charge for developer fees, impact unknown at this time |
Adopt Resolution No. 19/20-54, approving and adopting Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development School Facility Fee Justification Study Report, and increasing the statutory Level 1 Developer Fees imposed on new residential and commercial/industrial development projects pursuant to Education Code Section 17620. The Mt Diablo Unified School District ("District") may begin levying the changes to Level 1 Developer Fees on July 11, 2020, sixty (60) days after the Board adopts the Resolution. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Niccole Helton - Administrative Assistant |
Signed By: |
Dr. Lisa Gonzales - Chief Business Officer |
Signed By: |
Robert Martinez - Superintendent |