Meeting Date:
19.8 Review and Potential Approval of the Updated 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Salary Schedules for Noon Duty Supervisors and Classified Assigned Flat Hourly Rates. |
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
1. 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Salary Schedules for Noon Duty Supervisors. 2. 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Salary Schedules for Classified Assigned Flat Hourly Rates. 3. MDEA AB 1200 document. |
File Attachment:
The attached salary schedules are for noon duty supervisors and other classifications assigned flat hourly rates. The rates have been updated to reflect the intent of the Governing Board and Superintendent to address staff salaries and acknowledge their work in MDUSD. The Contra Costa County Office of Education informed staff that a specific AB1200 is not needed, as the fiscal impact was included in the MDEA AB1200 that was shared with the public on April 13, 2022. For transparency, the MDEA AB1200 document is attached to this board item for the board and public review. |
Fiscal Impact: |
Estimate $83,000 in 2022-2023. Estimate $53,000 in 2023-2024. |
Move to approve the updated 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 salary schedules for Noon Duty Supervisors and Classified Assigned Flat Hourly Rates. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Dr. Dan Scudero - Director, Human Resources |
Signed By: |
Sandra Inouye - HR Systems Manager |
Signed By: |
Mika Arbelbide - Director of Fiscal Services |
Signed By: |
Dr. Lisa Gonzales - Chief Business Officer |
Signed By: |
Dr. John Rubio - Chief Human Resources |
Signed By: |
Cesar Alvarado - General Counsel |
Signed By: |
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Erin McFerrin Moved, Member Linda Mayo seconded to approve the Original motion 'Move to approve the updated 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 salary schedules for Noon Duty Supervisors and Classified Assigned Flat Hourly Rates.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 5 - 0 | | | Linda Mayo | Yes | Debra Mason | Yes | Cherise Khaund | Yes | Keisha Nzewi | Yes | Erin McFerrin | Yes | |